Sunday, March 27, 2011

Production in progress

Since boot camp ended, I have been working on my production line to sell in CAS and at craft fairs over the summer.  Here are some in progress shots of two different types of earrings.
In progress

Some finished earrings

Tin pieces pressed in an hydraulic press to get a dome in the tin

Steel rings ready to be soldered

After being soldered
 Check back next week for the finished earrings!

just glued up my work bench.

best find at surplus

Monday, March 21, 2011

Boot Camp: Week 9

The last week was very busy.  We had a photo work shop, finished up projects, and had a big ending show on Friday.

Tim came for a 2 day photo work shop.  He showed us how to make a simple photo set up and then photographed all our work.  Visit to see the photos he took of Maura and my work.

For the ending show, we invited members of the community to model our work.
Jill from the post office wearing Roberta's work, Sandra from the bakery wearing Ally's work, and Allison from the bar wearing Maura's work

Gretchan from the high school wearing my necklace and wring and Alice's daughter wearing her necklace

Pebble wearing Roberta's work
Roberta with her two kids and Valda

Me and Valda

Karen wearing Roberta's work

Maura and her family at the bar

 The week ended with Lynsey and I horseback riding at Jerry's farm on a beautiful spring day! :)
Love this face.

Even though boot camp is over, I still intend to blog.  Check our Maura's blog on for updates!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Boot Camp: Week 8

Jennifer Wells, from Arrowmont, taught champlevey enameling to boot camp this week.  In this process, metal is etched with a design and the recessed areas are filled in with enamel, ground up glass that adds color to work.  Here are some process shots.
The blue paper is PNP.  It has an image that I printed on to the paper to transfer onto the metal.
This is the metal with the image transfered onto it and other areas filled in with other forms of resist (paint pens, duct tape) so that the acid only eats away the negative areas.
Copper after being etched with my designs.
The purple part is the enamel.  The parts that were etched are filled in. 
 We also had a necklace piece due.  I am not in love with my finished piece, but it gave me some good ideas.
Maura's and Roberta's

My necklace, steel and sterling silver
Ally's necklace

Boot Camp: Week 7

This week was very exciting! Lynsey, Maura and I found out that we received a $30000 grant to start a small gallery and studio space in Columbia. Check out 
Celebration B for D!
Latkes, poached eggs, and veggie crumbles!
On Thursday, we visited the College of the Albermarle to see the Tin Exhibit, which Marlene curated. The have a wonderful studio and a great exhibit space.
At the end of the week Bruce came into to teach us about lapidary, which is the cutting and polishing of stones and gems.  While it was very interesting, I do not think I will go out and get the equipment anytime soon.

 We also had one of our favorite guests, Roxy, visit!